What are the causes of anxiety?

1)What is anxiety?

Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress.  Anxiety make feel intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. 

Stress and worrying is common but in anxiety individual feel every day as burden. Even the smallest of task create feeling of fear. 

Like giving speech, public interference and going to school make feel anxious. Read More

What are the causes of anxiety?

2)What are the causes of anxiety?

What are the causes of anxiety?
Anxiety is common in circumstances like speech, public interference and going to school etc. Anxiety become sever when feelings become feelings become excessive. 

Cause of anxiety is still not found. 
Genetic factors, Environmental factors and other stress issues are considered as the fundamental cause. Researchers claimed particular region of brain is responsible for Anxiety. Read More.

3)Symptoms of  Anxiety ?

Symptoms of general anxiety include:

  • Increased heart raterapid 
  • Breathing restlessness
  •  Trouble concentrating 
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Panic, fear, and uneasiness
  • sweaty, numb or tingling hands 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitationsDry
  • Tense muscles Dizziness

Other symptoms are nightmares, panic attacks, and painful thoughts or memories that you can’t control.Read More

5)What are anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional disorder and can affect anyone at any age. 

Normally stress and nervousness are gone with time but  when it tourbles daily, we may call it Anxiety Disorder.   Read More

6)What are the types of anxiety disorders?

These are major six Anxiety Disorders:

1)GAD .Generalised Anxiety disorder

GAD. Generalised Anxiety disorder

2) SAD. Social Anxiety Disorder

3)OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 

4)Panic Disorder


6)PTSD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 

7)Are there tests that diagnose anxiety?

Anxiety treatment are available, on initial steps try curing itself, attempt these daily routine activities: 

  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication
  • Mediteranean Diet or similar
  • An exercise program 
  • Aerobic exercise 
  • Relaxation tactics 
  • Therapy 

If all are realxing and making you feel good then go on, if not, consult psychiatrist.   Read  More